Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Blog on the Two Videos Assignment #2

1) something you learned from both videos
2) Write your Opinion about the Videos (did you like them, why/why not, did you agree with the authors, compare contrast)



  1. A. Dranoff

    1) The thing that I found most astounding from both videos was the concept that we're preparing our students for jobs that haven't even come to fruition in today's society. Im the first one I was slightly surprised that Homeland Security is a fairly new occupation, when in reality, one would hope that this was a title given long ago.

    2) I think that both videos had valid point, however, I think that the second video was more applicable in terms of the teacher and the first one was more relevant in terms of the student. The one thing that I didn't really like about the first one was that it was dated. Although this would definitely spark conversation with my students, it had data surrounding Myspace where most students (and adults alike) use Facebook. I'd like to see those statistics. On the second video I like the idea of setting up global connections amongst teachers around the world. Although the web does allow for us to contact people all over the world, I think it would be nice if the schools set us up with teachers in other countries so both the teachers and their students could collaborate more often.

  2. excellent point it is dated. how ironic is it that a few years later and technology from 5 years ago is a dinosaur

  3. One of the important points that I learned from the Did You Know? video is that people all around the world are shifting more and more to a web 2.0 world, where the users are actually creating the content. However, the United States seems to be behind everyone else. I think that this point was also made in the Learning to Change, Changing to learn video. Specifically, at how behind our education system is in reference to technology. I liked how the speakers were talking about making classrooms more of a worldwide community through technology

  4. sorry John is my husband I guess it defaulted to his account

  5. Both videos made valid points. We are trying teach with technology, but at the same time, we are limiting the technology they can use in the schools. Technology changes every day. Website of yesterday, like My Space, are quickly replaced with web sites such as Twitter and Facebook. Children born today will not know what it is like to grow up without the internet or cell phones. As teachers, we need to learn the new techology and embrace it to better help our students.

  6. 1) The thing I learned from both videos is that technology is changing the future professions of the world. It s kind of amazing to see the world change before you, and the way you learned as a student is becoming obsolete.

    2) Personally I thought that the videos were very interesting and eye opening. I agree with the authors that we need to change with times as teachers and allow our students to use these electronic devices to enhance their learning and ours.

  7. I agree with Alyssa, homeland security? Kind of an awful reminder.

  8. Unfortunately, my wife works at West Point and I am friends with one of the head Army Rangers in charge of homeland security and that part of the army is expanding exponentially!

  9. 1) Andy, you were right, I remember the video from the Digital Classroom in summer/09. It's cool. My problem is that when I think of our students, I'm troubled. I wonder if they are prepared if everything stays exactly as it is, little alone preparing them for jobs that currently do not exist?

    2) I liked video 2 and I agree with Alyssa, that is would be cool to collaborate with teachers around the globe. It took me back to the two presentations by google experts that we had using Skype in the Google Tools class. (great-class=shameless plug). Two masters from other parts of the US gave us great lessons on google tools. Also, Andy gave us a great lesson collaborating with a teacher from another country, in the Google Tools or the Turning Point class? Either way, that brings up some cool possibilities.

  10. Well said kjm119 we better embrace the technology because it is here to stay

  11. I find it really funny that technology from 5 years ago is considered a dinosaur. Furthermore, one of my favorite conversations with my students is the one about having to pay for AOL when I was younger.

  12. Dave, I know a certain someone(as do you) that relied on Skype as a way of communicating with his fiance in Australia... I just find it unbelievable that the internet has become a way of creating and maintaining relationships.

  13. kjm119 ... I totally agree. If we don't learn and embrace the newer technologies, there is no way that we'll even be able to communicate with our children or our students!!

  14. i totally agree with Kjm and Alyssa, it is rediculous how we limit children's accessing social networks. When used for academic purposes, I think they would be a great tool for children to share information around the globe. If children were allowed to use facebook or a program like it for academic reasons, it would be easier for teacher because we wouldn't have to teach them the software --Sheryl

  15. kjm119 ... I agree, thank god we are in a profession were we not only teach the kids something new but they teach us something new as well.

  16. We are so scared about social networks that it is almost like nuclear energy. Our first experience with nuclear energy was the bomb. That being analogous with our first experience with social networking is kids acting silly.

  17. Alyssa ... it is kinda of amazing the advancements in technology from paying for it to all the competitive free sites out today to choose from.(However I know your parents paid for it not you haha)

  18. Dave... I agree with it being very cool to be able to collaborate with other teachers around the globe and have the students get different views from other places.

  19. Both videos were very different but made good points. The first video was all technology, as far as how the information was presented to us. I liked how it flowed and used visuals to represent information, as well as using soft, calm music. However, some of the ideas that were shown had already happened a few years back. An example would be the signing up for my space, when most of the world now has facebook and things like Google Wave. This video isn’t keeping up with society and the fast changing technology. It was surprising to see that we are so advanced in technology yet we had the lowest number of college graduate compared to other parts of the world. It was also interesting to see the number of job changes because just 1o years ago, jobs we have today didn’t exist, and now children need to be prepared for jobs that might be in another 10 years. It just goes to show the importance of teaching our children the 21st century skills that they need to survive in the upcoming “new world.”

    The Learning to Change video was very different in how it was presented, but had similar ideas to the first video. This video strictly had people of different cultures relaying the information about technology and this is what our world is now- eventually we have no choice but to learn and understand it. School systems will definitely be different in a couple of years. I agree with the presenter who stated that money was being spent on all of these tests, yet in the future; this isn’t the information they will need. I completely agree with the statement from the video, “jobs do not call these right answer vending machine approach.” We need to prepare the children for jobs that don’t exist yet, that use critical thinking skills, innovation, synthesis, collaboration, communication, etc. However, it is first important to open the eyes of teachers and allow them the opportunity to explore this new world so that they are well prepared when exposing the children to this type of environment.

  20. Liane, I also liked how the video portrayed standardized tests as inaccurate.
    I have my own obvious reasons for not liking them and I had never considered them outdated because they don't show how well a student can communicate with others.

  21. Dave- I also worry about our students. I often wonder if we are giving them the best access to technology. Many of our students do not have computers in the home and school is the only place they are exposed to technology. It puts them at a disadvantage.

  22. Alyssa- I was surprised to see that Homeland Security was a new field as well. I would like to think that we have had Homeland Security for many many years.
